Thursday, September 30, 2004

Coretan dari MZ buat aku

U reminds me of a book I read in almost one and a half month. Its a thick book with unattractive cover. The content is very interesting, it lies hidden on top of the book shelves unnoticeable. I took my chance reading it. The book flew me off to such a colorful journey, as colorful as a rainbow. Took me out fro a nimf of sadness and put me to someplace new. It gave me a new beginning and soar the meaning of life. Though of just skimming thru, but I end up studying in details, chapter by chapter. I ended up falling for the book even though I knew that I couldn’t afford to have it. Sadly I return it back to the shelf I took it from coz it belongs there and it is dedicated to someone. I’m not sure if I end the chapters well, however I’m proud and touched that I read it and will be the favorite book forever...

Coretan dari aku buat MZ

This journey is too colorful and glaring which I'm afraid that will harmed you more than I expected. You are too good for me, which I'm realized that I'm not the one for you to begin with. Pertemuan kita tika aku didalam keadaan yang tidak menentu My love towards SF is too strong even though I knew it wouldn’t be possible for us to be together. Kenangan ku bersamanya sering menghantui diri and I felt it is not fair for you, which I felt that I’m using you as a rebound. I knew your feeling towards me but I’m skeptical to say it in return coz I’m not sure whether I’m ready for it. Aku sering menyatakan padamu agar biar kan masa yang menentukan segalanya, go with the flow dengan harapan perasaan aku akan berubah dan bisa membuka hati ini untuk terus menerima cinta yang baru but unfortunately its killing you softly and I don’t want the cuts getting deeper and deeper. Sejarah cinta silammu membuatkan aku begitu berhati-hati untuk tidak melukakanmu. Thanks so much for reading this thick book and it will always be available for you to read...semuga masa menentukan segalanya dan lagu ini sering aku mainkan bila aku menelefonmu dan aku tujukan khas buat dirimu...

Jangan Pernah Berubah...Marcell
Masih ada perasaan yang tak menentu di hatiku
Bila ingat sorot matamu yang kurasa berbeda
Oh janganlah terjadi yang s'lalu kutakutkan
Beribu cara 'kan kutempuh
Oh cintakuKumau tetap kamuYang jadi kekasihku
Jangan pernah berubah
S'lamanya 'kan kujaga dirimu
Seperti kapas putih di hatiku
Tak 'kan kubuat noda
Pejamkanlah kedua matamu
Bayangkan aku di sisimu


Anonymous said...

Adakalanya hati dan perasaan itu sukar untuk diduga dan dinilai. Setiap yg berperasaan pasti akan merasainya.

Anonymous said...

I always believe that in life, God doesnt give u people that u want. Instead He gives u people u need, to teach u, to hurt u and to love u and to make u exactly the way u should be.

Sejarah cinta silam melukakan dan meninggalkan kesan yg teramat dalam di dlm hidup ku. Kehadiran mu walaupun seketika tak pernah melukakan atau mengubah diri ku sebaliknya aku.

Wishing U the best for your love towards SF. The song will always be with me and Im always be with u whenever u need me.