Friday, April 16, 2004

Suatu Waktu Dahulu 70 an & 80 an

Kita membesar dengan menonton He-man, Transformers,Thundercats, Silver Hawk, Space Cop Gaban,Ultraman dan Mighty Mouse serta tidak lupa Ninja turtles, Mask dan Smurfs juga. Kita membesar dengan memberus gigi beserta mug yang bewarna warni dari sekolah rendah selepas waktu rehat dimana kita beramai-ramai mencangkung (lama tak guna ayat ni) di tepi longkang di luar kelas bersama-sama dengan rakan sekelas yang lain bersama dengan our colourful mug. Remember the days when the school nurse comes with a list for the dentist appointments, the sound of the drilling when your friend has a fill in his tooth.

Ingat lagi tak the packets of milk(Projeck Susu Segar) and milo we get in primary school to encourage us to drink more milk. And when we had to line up just to get one cup, and some of us would line up again for another cup of cold milo...hehehehe and remember we use to buy susu sekolah and get stomach-ache the next day. During primary school days, the teacher will punish you using a long ruler to hit your palm or buttocks. A bowl of noodle soup cost only 40c in primary school days. When you were in primary school, girls like to go to the bookshop to buy cute stuff such as animal erasers, sharpeners, notebook etc. Play with these paper doll... with all the paper clothes.. etc etc (aku pun buat jugak heheheh).

In secondary school, girls go to the library to borrow their favourite romance storybook. In secondary school, girls altered their school skirt to shorten it and guys will go to the school appointed school uniform tailor shop to tailor make their school trousers to the then fashionable "baggy pants" , or the GQ one with all the 'batik' or buckle at the edge of the pocket! the straight cut jeans.. or codroy... In secondary school days, you buy the Bata BM Turbo school shoes. Some guys like to wear those china made ankle high shoes. Some even like to wear those very thick socks with their school shoes. remember the panda, carefree or warrior shoes.. :) Internet? E-mail? What the hell is that? So you thought a decade or more ago. Your friends don't have pagers or handphones in school. CDs? What's that? Cassette tapes were the norm. Movie tickets used to cost less than $5 last time. there is no klcc.. pertama or bukit bintang the only place we have..or play roller skate at gallactica in semua house or kota raya or lepak-lepak kat yaohan the mall.

The goodies from Mama shop used to be Mamee, Kaka,Kum Kum, Ding Dang choco balls (with toys in the box) + the mat sentul voices as a jingle,colourful hard "egg", "cigerette" chocolate, pink bottle of bubbles, and small tubes with yellow sticks to blow "more lasting" bubbles that you can pop more air in or slam it on. You never forget 'Ti Kam'. When exams are over, the board games (eg: UNO, Monopoly, CLUEDO) & hand held video games will be all over the class room. Girls will start playing 'batu seremban'. guys with 'tudung botol oren' Your favourite sound is the bell! For it's the homemade ice cream man. The cream that tops Haagan Dazs!The pink colour ice-cream with eyes plus a wide smile. Another bell is the recess bell, a time to get away from school work and to eat. Another time when there is no bell but all guys will anxiously wait for it...The PJ, PE time(time for football)

Your favourite childhood games were playing"guli"(marbles), five stones, zero-point, catching, and/or "Pepsi-Cola one two three"! The best thirst quencher of all times is the yummy colourful ice tubes you can buy from provision shops. To eat them, break the tab and suck while holding the freezing tube! All gals had barbie dolls, My Little Pony, pound puppy, Polly Pocket and etc, while all boys had star wars figurines or a rubber band catapult that shoots folded paper or eraser bits. Once was the era whereby ice-cream sticks were valueable items, than came the paper aircrafts, chalk fights. Everyone envied the class monitor and his assitant, cos they were the ones who came up with the daily duty roster, giving names to teacher on who makes the most noise and who's running around the class (i'm one of them heheheh). The elite group are the prefects or badan wakil pelajar bagi sekolah aku, the one with license to move around, they consider themselves above the law when not many students actually listened to them, and that's when the PK(censored) Hem comes in.

Some boys made their own guns from wood,and used'Bacali' as the bullets. Some even used matches to shoot and burn kids'lanterns during Latern Festival.. and you also rather to 'ponteng sekolah' juz to watch final episod of Moero Attack .. miss that much..summersault berkembar... hehehe.. still remember this one..

finally...thanks to all my teacher, old friends samada yang hidup atau pun yang telah pergi (alfatihah) serta bekas-bekas cinta monyet aku hahahahahah this is the good one and last but not least my ons kat asrama hehehehhehehe.

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